Credit Score Credit Repair 101:

You’ll learn how to increase your Credit in 30 Days. Get your credit report Did you know that Credit score is typically the biggest factor in determining interest rates? A credit score is a number between 300–850 that depicts a consumer’s creditworthiness. The higher the score, the better a borrower looks to potential  You can get your… Continue reading Credit Score Credit Repair 101:

Surprising benefits of FinTech for New Home Buyers

Buying a home is a major financial decision that requires careful planning and budgeting. Financial technology (Fintech) company such as Chime and Ally can help first home buyers save money and stay on track with their homeownership goals. In this blog post, I’ll share the benefits of using Fintech companies instead of traditional banks for… Continue reading Surprising benefits of FinTech for New Home Buyers

Learn the secret to Creating Wealth and Passive Income

Rental properties are a great way to create wealth and passive income. According to Forbes, “With long-term appreciation, a monthly cash-flow and tax advantages, owning and operating rental properties will increase your wealth so you can save for retirement, life events or for other reasons.” The secrets (sorry, but I’m gonna share a few here)… Continue reading Learn the secret to Creating Wealth and Passive Income

Best Places to Invest in Short-Term Rentals in 2021

Looking to invest in short-term rentals and not sure where to start? We recommend reading AirDNA’s recent report on best places to invest. if you’re looking for hidden gems — the off-the-beaten-path spots that have flown under the radar until just recently, these markets currently host between 25 and 100 active properties, but likely won’t stay so… Continue reading Best Places to Invest in Short-Term Rentals in 2021

Home Insurance

Homeowner’s insurance pays for losses as a result of damage to your property if something unexpected happens, like a fire or burglary.  When you have a mortgage, your lender will require that your property is protected by home insurance. Lenders will generally require proof that you have homeowner’s insurance at closing. What risks does a home… Continue reading Home Insurance