You’ll learn how to increase your Credit in 30 Days. Get your credit report Did you know that Credit score is typically the biggest factor in determining interest rates? A credit score is a number between 300–850 that depicts a consumer’s creditworthiness. The higher the score, the better a borrower looks to potential You can get your… Continue reading Credit Score Credit Repair 101:
Black Americans face steep hurdles to homeownership, says expert
Black Americans face steep hurdles to homeownership, says expert
Spring housing market surges with 11% increase in mortgage demand!
Spring housing market surges with 11% increase in mortgage demand!
Weekly mortgage demand drops as buyers struggle to find affordable homes
Weekly mortgage demand drops as buyers struggle to find affordable homes
Invitation to earn money as an Airbnb host
Hosting on Airbnb is more than just a source of extra income; it’s an opportunity to meet fascinating people, share stories, and showcase the best of your hospitality. With the added perk of a $40 bonus for new hosts, there’s never been a better time to start your hosting journey. Embrace the flexibility, connect with… Continue reading Invitation to earn money as an Airbnb host
Surprising benefits of FinTech for New Home Buyers
Buying a home is a major financial decision that requires careful planning and budgeting. Financial technology (Fintech) company such as Chime and Ally can help first home buyers save money and stay on track with their homeownership goals. In this blog post, I’ll share the benefits of using Fintech companies instead of traditional banks for… Continue reading Surprising benefits of FinTech for New Home Buyers
The Importance of Investment Diversification
“Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket!” You’ve probably heard that over and over again throughout your life…and when it comes to investing, it is very true. Diversification is the key to successful investing. Most successful investors build portfolios that are widely diversified, and you should too! Diversifying your investments might include purchasing… Continue reading The Importance of Investment Diversification
What are the Basic Types of Real Estate Investments
Real Estate is a great way to create passive income and other benefits such as capital appreciation and tax benefits. Real Estate investing is typically divided into the following major categories: Primary Residence Residential Real Estate Investment Trusts Commercial Real Estate Industrial Real Estate Farmland Retail Primary Residence Owning your home is the most common… Continue reading What are the Basic Types of Real Estate Investments
5 Ways to Maximize Airbnb Revenue
5 Things You Must Know To Maximize Your Short Term Rental Revenue Maximizing Airbnb revenue is critical for the success of property owners. Below are 5 tips to create a steady and predictable rental revenue: A Quick Introduction to AirBnb Thousands of investors rent an extra bedroom or even an entire home to travelers on… Continue reading 5 Ways to Maximize Airbnb Revenue
How to Get Started with AirBnB
Thousands of entrepreneurs earn passive income money on Airbnb. Learn how to rent an extra bedroom or an entire home to travelers and earn extra income